At StageWave, we are always looking to enhance our users' experience. This latest update introduces tools and functionalities that take the system to the next level. Discover the details of this version and how it can transform your monitoring experience.
New Mobile Design: Intuitive and Practical
The redesigned mobile interface maximizes screen space, offering smoother and more accessible navigation. Tabs are now located at the bottom of the app, making it easier to switch between views quickly and comfortably.
Additionally, the new group details view lets you add multiple channels to a group faster and more efficiently, streamlining the workflow for musicians and sound engineers.

Processes in StageWave Server: Precision at Your Fingertips
Previously, effects like compressor, reverb, and delay could only be controlled from the musicians' devices. Now, StageWave Server allows you to manage these processes directly, giving monitor engineers much greater precision over the mixes. This improvement is especially useful in live settings where sound quality is critical.

Remote Mode: Help your bandmates
The mirror mode between StageWave Server and musicians’ devices has always been a favorite feature, but now it goes a step further. You can control the mix of any device from another, allowing the sound engineer to move freely with a phone or tablet to adjust mixes directly on stage.

More Groups for Better Organization
We know organization is important, and many users requested more group capacity. That’s why we’ve increased the number of groups from 4 to 8, enabling better mix organization and catering to the needs of more demanding users.

Performance Monitor in StageWave Server
StageWave Server now includes a performance monitor that allows the monitor engineer to view the status of musicians' devices in real time. This tool not only shows which devices may have issues but also provides a performance history. Additionally, you can adjust the affected device's buffer size to improve latency and stability.

Manual Connection with QR Code: Fast and Easy
While StageWave aims to connect automatically, sometimes connections can fail. To address this, we’ve added a manual connection system using a QR code. Simply scan the code from the app to sync your device with the server instantly. You can also share the QR code with other musicians for hassle-free connections.

Internal Tools for Support
To improve the user experience, we’ve developed internal tools that help our support team quickly identify and resolve issues. This enables us to provide more efficient and personalized customer service.
Always Thinking of You
At StageWave, we are dedicated to delivering innovative solutions that enhance your experience and professionalism. We know every improvement matters, and that’s why we strive to offer tools that truly make a difference.
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